#03 | What data are needed to be able to manage groundwater?

Author: Alberto Barrera García (Aquatec)

Groundwater, unlike surface water, flows inside the rocks through the existing pores, fractures and cracks, so that it cannot be directly characterized or quantified, except when it emanates to the surface in the form of springs or natural emergencies.

In this sense, in order to manage groundwater, both from the point of view of knowledge of behaviour, quantification, as well as quality control (pollution), it is essential to record information relating to:

– Piezometric level (depth at which groundwater is found).

– Chemical quality


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AQUATEC is participating in the project for the Monitoring of the Quaternary Aquifer of Campo de Cartagena, where the aim is to know the direction and sense of groundwater flow, the evolution of storage in the aquifer, as well as the evolution of water quality through the knowledge of its electrical conductivity, which has a direct correlation with the content of salts and pollutants dissolved in water.

For this purpose, probes are being installed inside wells or boreholes, capable of recording, storing and sending these parameters in real-time, specifically: the height of the water column above the installed sensor (which is later translated into the depth of the level), water temperature, electrical conductivity and date and time of the measurement.

The recorded data are automatically sent to an information visualization platform, where each point is geo-referenced and can be consulted in real-time.

Only with sufficient information can groundwater be properly managed, so that it can be used as an aid to decision-making to ensure sustainable use of the resource and protection against pollution.