The technical magazine TECNOAQUA publishes an article on the LIFE NIRVANA project

Recently, TECNOAQUA, a magazine focused on technical solutions for the water sector, has published an article entitled “Removal of nitrate in groundwater by injecting Fe0 nanoparticles and organic matter”. This article talks about the context in which the project is involved, the technology developed and the results obtained.

The LIFE Nirvana project addresses the environmental problem of groundwater contamination by nitrates. Groundwater constitutes the largest reservoir of liquid freshwater in the world, but the extensive use of fertilizers has resulted in nitrate pollution.

This article also highlights the innovative, effective and sustainable in situ technology developed. Specifically, zerovalent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) that have been injected into the aquifer. In this way, the objective of this work is to present the methodology used, as well as the results obtained.