#09 | Reduction of CO2 emissions during groundwater exploitation through advanced well management

Author: Rocío Ordieres (AQUATEC)

What is advanced well management?

Advanced well management is a series of combined actions that result in optimal, efficient, and sustainable exploitation over time. In this sense, it makes it possible to optimize operations and maintenance of catchments and, in short, to make rational and sustainable use of the aquifer, as well as to guarantee supply to the population.

How does advanced well management influence CO2 reduction?

The exploitation of groundwater involves high energy expenditure and energy costs are higher the lower the efficiency of the catchment. Some of the problems in groundwater management are due to faulty construction and incorrect maintenance.

Proper management reduces energy expenditure and thus optimizes production costs and CO2 emissions. Of all the emission factors estimated for the different stages of the cycle, the water supply cycle (collection, purification, and distribution) emits 159 grams of CO2 per m3.

In other words, advanced well management contributes to the reduction of emissions produced, basically, by the energy improvement of the system.

What activities during the extraction phase contribute to CO2 reduction?

Well monitoring reduces the impact of breakdowns or incidents related to well maintenance. This can be made possible by combining a series of activities such as the initial diagnosis of the catchments and the real-time control and follow-up of different monitored parameters (flow, yield, and efficiency).

All this, together with the correct sizing of the electric pumping unit, makes it possible to optimize the KW/hour spent per l/s extracted (KW/h/m3), and optimizes visits to the installations and the displacement of the maintenance team.

All this leads to sustainable management of water resources and a reduction in the carbon footprint associated with extractive activities.